martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016


Resultado de imagen para de las drogasIt is necessary for parents, teachers or adults responsible for young people to be permanently concerned with their problems and interests, as it is precisely the disinterest of the elders that leads young people to be an easy prey to friends and colleagues. Can introduce them into the world of drugs. It is essential to help children and adolescents resist the pressure of the group to consume these substances, supervising their activities and getting to know their friends. Sport and healthy recreation, as well as dedication to their school activities, are necessary supports that keep them away from this risk. Drug use is a problem that affects most of the world and Ecuador does not escape that reality. That is why we have to do everything in our power to prevent it from affecting our children. Remember: Take care to know the problems and interests of your children.  Get to know your friends and supervise their activities. Sports and healthy recreation keep young people away from drugs. You may recognize a person who is drugged because of his or her careless appearance, hostility to family members, and because he or she provokes fights at school and asks for or steals money. If a person is under the effects of the drug, do not face it and be sensitive to the feelings it expresses. If you need guidance or help to support a person of any age who is a victim of the drug, or have information about the sale of these substances, call 1800 Drugs.